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I am Deborah, a Heart-Centered Mystic Soul Whisperer in service to the Divine Mothers (Mother Mary, Mary Magdalene, Kuan Yin and Goddess Isis). I help you spiritually align with your Mind, Body and Soul. 


I have been spiritually aware and connected to the Divine Mothers from a young age. It's lovely knowing that Mother Mary played a big part in my life, supporting me in the background through the rocky journey my soul chose to experience. 


Twenty years ago, I finally found the key to freeing my Soul, which is why I am very passionate about my work. I was fed up meeting therapists who were not heart-centered, so I trained in many modalities to understand and learn how I could release the traumas that had kept me caged from the age of five after my parents divorced and stop my life crumbling around me. 

My big healing journey began in my early 40s after training in Usui Reiki. It was like entering the Dark Night of My Soul. I am in gratitude for this journey as it helped me discover who I was as I stepped into my true being, releasing the pain and fear I had been carrying around. I learned to connect to my heart and soul, enabling me to manifest the life I am now living.

On my quest for truth and freedom, I travelled globally for 11 years, visiting sacred sites, attending retreats and receiving powerful healing, guidance and activations whilst working with a Shaman in Peru, Hopi elders in Arizona, and Māori teachers in New Zealand. In 2013, I visited Peru to participate in a 10-day Ayahuasca ceremony, which started my soul journey, where I discovered and connected to my past lives in Lemuria and Ancient Egypt.


With over 35 years of experience, I also bring teachings, wisdom, and knowledge from my past lives, shaping me into becoming an international spiritual mentor for some beautiful souls worldwide. 


Through my S.O.U.L. transformation work, I support individuals through a unique process combining healing, spiritual empowerment, manifestation, and awakening to create Spiritual Oneness with Universal Love. 

In my free time, I am a volunteer walker with Under One Sky Together, a charity created to help our homeless friends on the streets of London.


My fundamental values are authenticity, integrity, empathy, insightfulness and my pursuit of truth and freedom. 

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Are you feeling hopeless and rejected? 


Have you been in and out of relationships and are now questioning everything including the meaning of life?

Perhaps you are misunderstood and nobody relates to you, making you feel like a misfit in society.  Or, You don’t have a SOUL tribe to hang out with and it makes you feel lost and very lonely.


If you are between 40-60 and have hit a crisis point in your life and this is where you are right now, then you are in the right place.


You are not ALONE, you are a truth seeker, spiritually evolving trying to find your authentic self!

With over 35-years’ experience, wisdom and knowledge also gained from past lives, this has prepared me for my work. I have now become a much sought-after international Wayshower/Spiritual Guide supporting clients through The S.O.U.L. Empowerment Healing programme, where I use unique processes for healing, spiritual empowerment, manifestation and awakening to create Spiritual Oneness with Universal Love.


My work is based on authenticity, integrity, empathy, insightfulness, and my pursuit of freedom.


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I’ve experienced what you are going through.  I spent thousands and thousands of pounds on spiritual development, working with teachers who were not authentic or heart-centered who enabled me to dive deeper so I could create a transformation healing programme that works at a SOUL level which is affordable.


My personal commitment is to take you on a transformation healing journey, and bring you home to yourself, creating the spiritual oneness with universal love in your life, where you will:

♡ Witness energetic shifts taking place both in and around you;

♡ Start to feel joyful, uplifted and fulfilled;

♡ Become empowered to live a purposeful life by your very own divine design; and

♡ Connect to your SOUL, the creator of your life experiences with your SOUL becoming your best friend again.


Set your SOUL free NOW … Book your complimentary 15-minute SOUL Guidance consultation with me.

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